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Multi pocket springs mattresses Belcanto
Multi pocket springs mattresses Belcanto
Multi pocket springs mattresses Belcanto
Multi pocket springs mattresses Belcanto

Multi pocket springs mattresses Belcanto

Продукт извън продажба

Unique product for your bedroom, with unique design and combination of materials for maximum comfort. Manufactured with a core of springs “multi pocket spring units”, which provide high durability, good elasticity and good ventilation of air. There are two different degrees of firmness. Memory layer that complements the characteristics of the spring package and releases tension in the muscles and joints. Orthopaedic correct body position during sleep is guaranteed by extra layer of latex.
Fabric: luxury three-layer fabric Bamboo – Bekaert
Wadding 100% natural wool and cotton
Natural latex
Memory foam
Multi pocket springs
Made with zipper for easy cleaning
Warranty: 12 years
Height: 33 cm

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