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Mattresses Double Springs
Mattresses Double Springs
Mattresses Double Springs
Mattresses Double Springs

Mattresses Double Springs

Продукт извън продажба

The combination of two layers of mini pocket springs offer dynamic sense of comfort and individual body support in all positions and all night. This type of mattress allows a high degree of “independent sleep,” meaning that the person sleeping on one side of the bed will not be disturbed if the partner on the other side moves or turns. This spring mattress offers very good thermal regulation and ventilation. The presence of a layer of memory foam distributes body weight evenly over the entire surface for sleeping and foam with high density ensures better orthopedic mattress. Zippered cover made of luxurious fabric, allows its easy cleaning.
Fabric: luxury three-layer fabric Silver “Bekaert” – Belgium
Memory foam
Highly elastic HR foam
Core of individually packed springs ( “Mini pocket spring units”)
Highly elastic
Warranty: 12 years
Height: 30 cm

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